7 Tips for Easing Back to a Post-Holiday Routine

Now that you’re back at the office, do you feel overwhelmed by projects that stacked up during the holidays? Here’s some advice provided by Hristina Byrnes in her recent article posted on MSN.com on how to get back to the grindstone:

  1. Pace yourself by taking a personal or vacation day your first week back.

  2. Get as much sleep as you can to help focus and find your energy.

  3. Treat yourself to something special, like your favorite cup of morning coffee.

  4. Go to work a bit early to help catch up on emails and work without distraction.

  5. Don’t overcommit to meetings and duties during your first few days back.

  6. Avoid alcohol and caffeine before bed.

  7. Bring something to work that reminds you of the holiday season.

Click here to read the complete article.


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